Cochran’s Q test for each attribute and Multiple pairwise comparisons:
Attributes p_values C18 C19 C3 C4 C7 N1 N4
Sticky 0.0000 0.313(bc) 0.209(ab) 0.582(de) 0.478(cd) 0.746(e) 0.806(e) 0.03(a)
Caramel 0.0045 0.388(a) 0.239(a) 0.254(a) 0.254(a) 0.328(a) 0.463(a) 0.463(a)
Brown 0.0178 0.493(ab) 0.537(b) 0.328(a) 0.493(ab) 0.463(ab) 0.358(ab) 0.448(ab)
Bubble 0.0000 0.104(a) 0.194(ab) 0.612(d) 0.224(abc) 0.433(cd) 0.343(bc) 0.015(a)
Sweet 0.2430 0.299(a) 0.328(a) 0.358(a) 0.299(a) 0.448(a) 0.328(a) 0.418(a)
Jujube 0.0000 0.179(a) 0.134(a) 0.045(a) 0.075(a) 0.119(a) 0.119(a) 0.716(b)
Milk 0.0000 0.537(b) 0.478(b) 0.642(b) 0.507(b) 0.567(b) 0.552(b) 0.179(a)
Grain 0.0000 0.149(a) 0.075(a) 0.06(a) 0.045(a) 0.045(a) 0.149(a) 0.448(b)
Acid 0.0000 0.731(bc) 0.642(abc) 0.791(c) 0.672(abc) 0.821(c) 0.507(ab) 0.448(a)
Fruity 0.0000 0(a) 0.104(a) 0.045(a) 0.045(a) 0.03(a) 0.06(a) 0.239(b)
Coffee 0.0000 0.209(a) 0.104(a) 0.045(a) 0.045(a) 0.03(a) 0.209(a) 0.403(b)
Caramel.1 0.0000 0.687(c) 0.687(c) 0.403(ab) 0.582(bc) 0.597(bc) 0.358(a) 0.507(abc)
Sour 0.0005 0.731(ab) 0.716(ab) 0.746(ab) 0.851(b) 0.761(b) 0.552(a) 0.657(ab)
Sweet.1 0.1416 0.567(a) 0.672(a) 0.612(a) 0.507(a) 0.657(a) 0.627(a) 0.522(a)
Fermented 0.0058 0.403(ab) 0.507(b) 0.343(ab) 0.403(ab) 0.358(ab) 0.343(ab) 0.224(a)
Smoothness 0.0033 0.567(ab) 0.687(b) 0.537(ab) 0.537(ab) 0.552(ab) 0.358(a) 0.537(ab)
Astringent 0.7648 0.149(a) 0.164(a) 0.119(a) 0.149(a) 0.179(a) 0.134(a) 0.09(a)
Bitter 0.0012 0.149(ab) 0.03(a) 0.06(ab) 0.045(ab) 0.03(a) 0.179(b) 0.149(ab)
Chinese 0.0000 0.134(ab) 0.045(a) 0(a) 0.075(a) 0.03(a) 0.254(b) 0.119(ab)
Creamy 0.1370 0.075(a) 0.09(a) 0.179(a) 0.104(a) 0.134(a) 0.179(a) 0.075(a)
Gloss 0.0036 0.761(b) 0.746(b) 0.731(ab) 0.672(ab) 0.657(ab) 0.552(a) 0.597(ab)
Exquisite 0.0125 0.507(a) 0.373(a) 0.537(a) 0.552(a) 0.537(a) 0.463(a) 0.328(a)
Adhesion 0.0000 0.299(b) 0.269(ab) 0.522(c) 0.418(bc) 0.567(c) 0.567(c) 0.075(a)
Chalky 0.1325 0.03(a) 0.06(a) 0.015(a) 0.06(a) 0.075(a) 0.104(a) 0.03(a)
Contingency table built from CATA data:
Product Sticky Caramel Brown Bubble Sweet Jujube Milk Grain Acid Fruity Coffee Caramel.1 Sour Sweet.1 Fermented Smoothness Astringent Bitter Chinese Creamy Gloss Exquisite Adhesion Chalky
C18 21 26 33 7 20 12 36 10 49 0 14 46 49 38 27 38 10 10 9 5 51 34 20 2
C19 14 16 36 13 22 9 32 5 43 7 7 46 48 45 34 46 11 2 3 6 50 25 18 4
C3 39 17 22 41 24 3 43 4 53 3 3 27 50 41 23 36 8 4 0 12 49 36 35 1
C4 32 17 33 15 20 5 34 3 45 3 3 39 57 34 27 36 10 3 5 7 45 37 28 4
C7 50 22 31 29 30 8 38 3 55 2 2 40 51 44 24 37 12 2 2 9 44 36 38 5
N1 54 31 24 23 22 8 37 10 34 4 14 24 37 42 23 24 9 12 17 12 37 31 38 7
N4 2 31 30 1 28 48 12 30 30 16 27 34 44 35 15 36 6 10 8 5 40 22 5 2
Test of independence between the rows and the columns:
Chisq DF P_value Alpha
589.8642 138 0 0.05
Eigenvalues and percentages of inertia:
dim.1 dim.2 dim.3 dim.4 dim.5 dim.6
eigenvalue 0.1018 0.0265 0.0131 0.0043 0.0032 0.0013
percentage of variance 67.8160 17.6398 8.7064 2.8559 2.1409 0.8409
cumulative percentage of variance 67.8160 85.4558 94.1622 97.0181 99.1591 100.0000

Principal Coordinate Analysis:

Sticky Caramel Brown Bubble Sweet Jujube Milk Grain Acid Fruity Coffee Caramel.1 Sour Sweet.1 Fermented Smoothness Astringent Bitter Chinese Creamy Gloss Exquisite Adhesion Chalky Liking
Sticky 1.000 0.115 0.116 0.356 0.117 -0.417 0.396 -0.243 0.156 -0.352 -0.320 0.099 0.086 0.208 0.084 0.009 0.005 -0.059 0.004 0.335 0.126 0.295 0.544 0.244 0.251
Caramel 0.115 1.000 0.041 -0.274 0.134 0.120 0.087 0.283 -0.023 -0.109 0.349 0.325 -0.030 0.090 -0.065 0.116 -0.323 0.015 0.043 0.066 0.159 0.187 -0.001 0.034 0.170
Brown 0.116 0.041 1.000 0.176 0.104 0.117 0.117 -0.027 -0.041 -0.181 0.101 0.122 0.173 0.262 0.172 0.113 0.016 -0.173 0.094 0.065 0.173 0.209 0.154 0.123 0.055
Bubble 0.356 -0.274 0.176 1.000 0.006 -0.344 0.220 -0.414 0.115 -0.332 -0.353 0.010 0.012 0.200 0.061 0.007 0.188 -0.214 0.043 -0.057 -0.129 0.020 0.350 0.163 0.046
Sweet 0.117 0.134 0.104 0.006 1.000 0.136 0.259 0.147 0.227 0.320 -0.082 0.095 -0.017 0.372 -0.051 0.021 -0.204 -0.148 -0.261 0.265 0.121 0.215 0.009 -0.141 0.195
Jujube -0.417 0.120 0.117 -0.344 0.136 1.000 -0.295 0.418 -0.185 0.260 0.157 -0.058 -0.067 -0.050 0.016 0.146 -0.146 -0.034 -0.115 -0.057 0.057 -0.167 -0.406 -0.240 -0.197
Milk 0.396 0.087 0.117 0.220 0.259 -0.295 1.000 -0.201 0.369 -0.261 -0.336 -0.009 0.243 0.193 0.035 0.159 -0.157 -0.132 -0.310 0.201 0.282 0.183 0.278 0.175 0.289
Grain -0.243 0.283 -0.027 -0.414 0.147 0.418 -0.201 1.000 -0.201 0.603 0.424 -0.263 -0.118 -0.077 -0.092 -0.002 -0.136 0.153 0.141 0.136 0.007 -0.131 -0.191 -0.248 -0.070
Acid 0.156 -0.023 -0.041 0.115 0.227 -0.185 0.369 -0.201 1.000 0.168 -0.275 0.020 0.367 0.170 0.362 0.139 -0.161 -0.261 -0.281 0.114 0.146 0.185 0.192 -0.172 0.235
Fruity -0.352 -0.109 -0.181 -0.332 0.320 0.260 -0.261 0.603 0.168 1.000 0.287 -0.102 -0.220 -0.090 0.154 -0.187 -0.100 -0.471 -0.220 -0.021 0.023 -0.172 -0.373 0.031 -0.077
Coffee -0.320 0.349 0.101 -0.353 -0.082 0.157 -0.336 0.424 -0.275 0.287 1.000 0.239 -0.157 -0.202 0.005 0.060 -0.048 0.506 0.103 -0.165 -0.148 -0.133 -0.061 0.034 -0.085
Caramel.1 0.099 0.325 0.122 0.010 0.095 -0.058 -0.009 -0.263 0.020 -0.102 0.239 1.000 0.125 0.038 0.095 0.293 -0.056 0.145 -0.080 0.144 0.279 0.286 0.024 -0.043 0.146
Sour 0.086 -0.030 0.173 0.012 -0.017 -0.067 0.243 -0.118 0.367 -0.220 -0.157 0.125 1.000 0.186 0.182 0.128 0.172 0.061 0.074 -0.080 0.292 0.177 0.170 -0.341 0.079
Sweet.1 0.208 0.090 0.262 0.200 0.372 -0.050 0.193 -0.077 0.170 -0.090 -0.202 0.038 0.186 1.000 0.001 0.187 -0.281 -0.376 -0.166 0.268 0.125 0.257 0.217 -0.255 0.220
Fermented 0.084 -0.065 0.172 0.061 -0.051 0.016 0.035 -0.092 0.362 0.154 0.005 0.095 0.182 0.001 1.000 0.053 0.049 0.006 -0.053 -0.023 0.225 0.021 0.058 0.314 0.061
Smoothness 0.009 0.116 0.113 0.007 0.021 0.146 0.159 -0.002 0.139 -0.187 0.060 0.293 0.128 0.187 0.053 1.000 -0.344 -0.366 -0.419 0.222 0.365 0.649 -0.073 -0.429 0.215
Astringent 0.005 -0.323 0.016 0.188 -0.204 -0.146 -0.157 -0.136 -0.161 -0.100 -0.048 -0.056 0.172 -0.281 0.049 -0.344 1.000 0.495 0.402 -0.060 0.017 -0.228 0.069 0.270 -0.160
Bitter -0.059 0.015 -0.173 -0.214 -0.148 -0.034 -0.132 0.153 -0.261 -0.471 0.506 0.145 0.061 -0.376 0.006 -0.366 0.495 1.000 0.551 0.078 0.001 -0.174 0.013 0.456 -0.215
Chinese 0.004 0.043 0.094 0.043 -0.261 -0.115 -0.310 0.141 -0.281 -0.220 0.103 -0.080 0.074 -0.166 -0.053 -0.419 0.402 0.551 1.000 -0.256 -0.155 -0.109 -0.045 0.636 -0.293
Creamy 0.335 0.066 0.065 -0.057 0.265 -0.057 0.201 0.136 0.114 -0.021 -0.165 0.144 -0.080 0.268 -0.023 0.222 -0.060 0.078 -0.256 1.000 0.124 0.272 0.202 -0.181 0.130
Gloss 0.126 0.159 0.173 -0.129 0.121 0.057 0.282 0.007 0.146 0.023 -0.148 0.279 0.292 0.125 0.225 0.365 0.017 0.001 -0.155 0.124 1.000 0.440 0.235 0.012 0.189
Exquisite 0.295 0.187 0.209 0.020 0.215 -0.167 0.183 -0.131 0.185 -0.172 -0.133 0.286 0.177 0.257 0.021 0.649 -0.228 -0.174 -0.109 0.272 0.440 1.000 0.074 -0.188 0.343
Adhesion 0.544 -0.001 0.154 0.350 0.009 -0.406 0.278 -0.191 0.192 -0.373 -0.061 0.024 0.170 0.217 0.058 -0.073 0.069 0.013 -0.045 0.202 0.235 0.074 1.000 0.089 0.094
Chalky 0.244 0.034 0.123 0.163 -0.141 -0.240 0.175 -0.248 -0.172 0.031 0.034 -0.043 -0.341 -0.255 0.314 -0.429 0.270 0.456 0.636 -0.181 0.012 -0.188 0.089 1.000 -0.138
Liking 0.251 0.170 0.055 0.046 0.195 -0.197 0.289 -0.070 0.235 -0.077 -0.085 0.146 0.079 0.220 0.061 0.215 -0.160 -0.215 -0.293 0.130 0.189 0.343 0.094 -0.138 1.000
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23
Eigenvalues Eigenvalues 3.3704 2.9082 1.4474 1.1432 0.94 0.8963 0.6443 0.5728 0.4657 0.4325 0.3584 0.334 0.2161 0.1709 0.0905 0.0343 0 -0.0092 -0.1218 -0.1742 -0.2333 -0.3237 -0.3344
Rel_corr_eig Rel_corr_eig 13.8971 12.3394 7.4168 6.3917 5.7071 5.5597 4.7105 4.4696 4.1086 3.9967 3.747 3.6648 3.2675 3.1152 2.8442 2.655 2.5085 2.1289 1.9523 1.7531 1.4485 1.4124 0.9054
Cum_corr_eig Cum_corr_eig 13.8971 26.2364 33.6532 40.0449 45.752 51.3117 56.0222 60.4918 64.6004 68.5971 72.3441 76.0089 79.2763 82.3915 85.2358 87.8908 90.3993 92.5282 94.4806 96.2337 97.6822 99.0946 100

$mar [1] 2 4 2 4

$new [1] FALSE

$col.axis [1] “black”

Principal coordinates:
Axis.1 Axis.2 Axis.3 Axis.4 Axis.5 Axis.6 Axis.7 Axis.8 Axis.9 Axis.10 Axis.11 Axis.12 Axis.13 Axis.14 Axis.15 Axis.16
1.000 -0.3710751 -0.4160767 -0.0695067 0.2794150 0.0350463 -0.0269662 -0.0082999 0.0228251 -0.0041564 -0.1441594 -0.0741332 0.0891881 0.0609144 0.0345044 -0.0527942 0.0703095
0.115 0.1123118 0.2578108 -0.3828073 0.3160518 -0.1206364 0.0899071 -0.3062434 -0.0107506 -0.0789288 0.0573419 -0.0453157 0.0637621 -0.0234648 0.1068561 -0.0784693 0.0388142
0.116 -0.0314982 -0.0501933 -0.0238855 -0.1404276 0.1848826 0.4340481 -0.0227377 0.1721406 0.1546406 0.0664504 0.0174392 -0.1435236 0.1398418 -0.1829395 -0.0886601 0.0298913
0.356 -0.3069062 -0.5073970 0.2335879 -0.0715177 0.1570188 0.3017741 0.1914320 -0.1137741 -0.0398112 0.0611884 0.1201025 0.1362711 -0.1420397 0.0713925 0.0416231 0.0101389
0.117 -0.1644817 0.3142124 0.2159101 0.2762711 0.1576130 -0.0556044 0.0795374 0.0179187 -0.2728099 0.1853070 -0.0080546 -0.1209620 -0.0093148 -0.1093769 0.1071545 0.0496970
-0.417 0.4208484 0.5588580 0.0616559 -0.2294473 0.1556402 0.1015866 0.0640903 0.2595969 -0.0610298 0.1731925 0.0092912 0.1102534 0.0349983 0.1099646 0.0291489 0.0499544
0.396 -0.4636165 -0.1669448 0.0621205 0.1687958 -0.0714906 -0.1586049 -0.1442817 0.2274120 0.0211267 0.2297883 0.1949485 0.0306713 -0.0960000 -0.0635940 -0.0656215 -0.0693990
-0.243 0.5045523 0.4917036 0.0277315 0.1694536 0.2951234 -0.1912044 -0.1205384 -0.0115456 0.1599041 -0.1234613 0.0832706 0.0589072 -0.0413495 -0.0050992 -0.0006294 0.0004244
0.156 -0.3982251 0.0659651 0.3532256 -0.1246531 -0.1748762 -0.2243382 -0.1570880 -0.1853531 -0.0362939 0.0662046 -0.1088714 0.1352689 -0.0522253 -0.0729712 -0.0229665 0.0349688
-0.352 0.3314228 0.5452099 0.6248283 0.0983784 -0.1520468 -0.0052944 0.0504731 -0.1085269 -0.0433135 -0.1433414 -0.0287657 -0.1016564 -0.0674212 -0.0022472 -0.0635819 -0.0199144
-0.320 0.6293011 0.2590422 -0.2364575 0.0407606 -0.1580439 0.1401274 0.0467257 -0.3068762 0.1735135 0.1013267 0.0548775 -0.0753499 -0.0426002 -0.0817893 0.0146899 -0.0202084
0.099 -0.0360888 0.0357387 -0.3491883 -0.1058493 -0.3324679 0.1275097 0.2452622 -0.1339134 -0.2481847 0.0925569 -0.1367248 -0.0920265 0.0063049 0.0428060 -0.0684468 -0.0135719
0.086 -0.1627050 -0.0898370 -0.0761785 -0.5416894 0.1511680 -0.2319653 -0.2809939 -0.1027005 -0.1067886 0.0584707 -0.0053928 -0.0309005 0.0327012 -0.0371326 -0.0541208 -0.0148337
0.208 -0.4123917 0.1610708 0.0701572 0.0563955 0.3529074 0.2125504 -0.0820341 -0.0886983 -0.0257628 0.0455971 -0.1560343 -0.0637450 0.0777502 0.1302104 0.0482669 -0.0982058
0.084 0.0501689 -0.0750517 0.3101854 -0.2394126 -0.3547031 0.0406005 -0.0537537 0.0508069 0.1999358 0.0063998 -0.1637997 0.1552142 0.1706344 0.0026347 0.0800726 -0.0062632
0.009 -0.3762773 0.4377826 -0.2755666 -0.2481217 -0.0724171 0.1227696 0.1590159 0.0293572 0.1652293 -0.0485613 0.1066361 0.1686965 -0.1537048 0.0211515 -0.0013768 -0.0000521
0.005 0.4019623 -0.5042167 0.1893221 -0.2761164 0.1157333 -0.1887136 0.2411944 -0.0251821 -0.0581945 -0.0863231 0.1367143 -0.1033657 0.0071557 0.0504418 -0.0701340 0.0165564
-0.059 0.6120656 -0.3829685 -0.3536109 0.0096726 -0.0148264 -0.3321423 0.0816977 0.0382291 -0.0411879 0.1469240 0.0003793 0.0771344 0.0476546 -0.0453608 0.0927399 -0.0205214
0.004 0.6006536 -0.4466766 -0.0561891 -0.0316544 0.2228809 0.1592928 -0.2154294 -0.0363894 -0.1509486 -0.1999456 -0.0594025 0.0870303 -0.0445471 -0.0039618 0.0034984 -0.0171335
0.335 -0.1975739 0.1282744 -0.0821534 0.2518112 0.1943576 -0.2862736 0.3806113 0.0706723 0.1013766 -0.0492928 -0.1626768 0.0972970 0.0883568 -0.0219103 -0.0805950 -0.0320097
0.126 -0.1560636 0.0982076 -0.0879299 -0.1754545 -0.1856067 -0.1640281 -0.0562033 0.3338786 0.0372809 -0.1462874 -0.0300361 -0.2732177 -0.0779959 0.1170488 0.0469937 0.0033459
0.295 -0.3794453 0.1289385 -0.2680184 -0.0361070 -0.0465584 0.0748461 0.0211168 0.0606702 -0.1292841 -0.3272741 -0.0164363 0.0223349 -0.0481551 -0.1797337 0.0867005 -0.0122612
0.544 -0.2554250 -0.4132886 -0.0822102 0.1082149 0.1024972 -0.0932354 -0.0429735 -0.1823045 0.3134374 0.0750782 -0.1048590 -0.2037686 -0.0905117 0.0437995 0.0545350 0.0448749
0.244 0.3944554 -0.5468809 0.2275307 0.3147639 -0.2946721 0.1878466 -0.0350890 0.2021516 0.0021942 0.0056717 0.0121161 0.0059513 -0.0250110 -0.0016166 0.0044822 -0.0278568
0.251 -0.3459688 0.1167171 -0.0325528 0.1304664 -0.1465230 -0.0344884 -0.0354909 -0.1796445 -0.0319445 -0.1028519 0.3647277 -0.0294648 0.2480288 0.0769229 0.0374906 0.0032554

Attributes analysis:

Summary table:
Level Sticky Caramel Brown Bubble Sweet Jujube Milk Grain Acid Fruity Coffee Caramel.1 Sour Sweet.1 Fermented Smoothness Astringent Bitter Chinese Creamy Gloss Exquisite Adhesion Chalky
Absent 257 309 260 340 303 376 237 404 160 434 399 213 133 190 296 216 403 426 425 413 153 248 287 444
Present 212 160 209 129 166 93 232 65 309 35 70 256 336 279 173 253 66 43 44 56 316 221 182 25

Comparison table:
Variable Level Frequencies Percent Sum_Liking Mean_Liking Mean_drops Standardized_difference P_value Significant Penalties
Sticky Absent 257 54.8% 1308 5.089
Sticky Present 212 45.2% 1299 6.127 1.038 5.607 <0.0001 Yes
Caramel Absent 309 65.88% 1640 5.307
Caramel Present 160 34.12% 967 6.044 0.736999999999999 3.722 <0.0001 Yes
Brown Absent 260 55.44% 1419 5.458
Brown Present 209 44.56% 1188 5.684 0.226 1.185 0.118 No
Bubble Absent 340 72.49% 1870 5.500
Bubble Present 129 27.51% 737 5.713 0.213 1.001 0.159 No
Sweet Absent 303 64.61% 1594 5.261
Sweet Present 166 35.39% 1013 6.102 0.841 4.313 <0.0001 Yes
Jujube Absent 376 80.17% 2166 5.761
Jujube Present 93 19.83% 441 4.742 -1.019 4.354 <0.0001 Yes
Milk Absent 237 50.53% 1178 4.970
Milk Present 232 49.47% 1429 6.159 1.189 6.525 <0.0001 Yes
Grain Absent 404 86.14% 2269 5.616
Grain Present 65 13.86% 338 5.200 -0.415999999999999 1.515 0.065 No
Acid Absent 160 34.12% 782 4.888
Acid Present 309 65.88% 1825 5.906 1.018 5.221 <0.0001 Yes
Fruity Absent 434 92.54% 2432 5.604
Fruity Present 35 7.46% 175 5.000 -0.604 1.672 0.048 Yes
Coffee Absent 399 85.07% 2247 5.632
Coffee Present 70 14.93% 360 5.143 -0.489 1.837 0.033 Yes
Caramel.1 Absent 213 45.42% 1114 5.230
Caramel.1 Present 256 54.58% 1493 5.832 0.601999999999999 3.183 0.001 Yes
Sour Absent 133 28.36% 705 5.301
Sour Present 336 71.64% 1902 5.661 0.359999999999999 1.71 0.044 Yes
Sweet.1 Absent 190 40.51% 952 5.011
Sweet.1 Present 279 59.49% 1655 5.932 0.921 4.872 <0.0001 Yes
Fermented Absent 296 63.11% 1617 5.463
Fermented Present 173 36.89% 990 5.723 0.26 1.319 0.094 No
Smoothness Absent 216 46.06% 1097 5.079
Smoothness Present 253 53.94% 1510 5.968 0.889 4.772 <0.0001 Yes
Astringent Absent 403 85.93% 2294 5.692
Astringent Present 66 14.07% 313 4.742 -0.95 3.517 <0.0001 Yes
Bitter Absent 426 90.83% 2428 5.700
Bitter Present 43 9.17% 179 4.163 -1.537 4.772 <0.0001 Yes
Chinese Absent 425 90.62% 2445 5.753
Chinese Present 44 9.38% 162 3.682 -2.071 6.638 <0.0001 Yes
Creamy Absent 413 88.06% 2255 5.460
Creamy Present 56 11.94% 352 6.286 0.826 2.837 0.002 Yes
Gloss Absent 153 32.62% 765 5.000
Gloss Present 316 67.38% 1842 5.829 0.829 4.16 <0.0001 Yes
Exquisite Absent 248 52.88% 1213 4.891
Exquisite Present 221 47.12% 1394 6.308 1.417 7.913 <0.0001 Yes
Adhesion Absent 287 61.19% 1551 5.404
Adhesion Present 182 38.81% 1056 5.802 0.398 2.047 0.021 Yes
Chalky Absent 444 94.67% 2498 5.626
Chalky Present 25 5.33% 109 4.360 -1.266 3.018 0.001 Yes